“Stay to Play” FAQ’s

What is Stay-and-Play?
Stay-and-Play (SAP) is the housing policy for Beast of the East that requires teams to stay at an Approved Hotel. Reservations must be booked through our housing agent, THS, in order to be accepted into the tournament. 

What if we are a local team and drive back and forth each day?

If your club/team has been one who has historically driven back and forth, you are already on our Local Team List and will not be required to book rooms.
If you think your team is eligible for the Local Team List please email us at banaples01@comcast.net once your team is entered into the tournament. We will confirm your location is within a reasonable, drivable distance and place your club on the Local Team List. Please understand that a team's "local" status is determined solely at the discretion of the event staff. You may have to comply with the “Stay to Play” policy to gain entry into the event even though you feel that your team is within a reasonable distance to drive back and forth.

How many rooms must a team book for acceptance into The Beast of the East?
To complete entry requirements, all team rooms must be booked on one contract with THS at an Approved Hotel 

What is an Approved Hotel?

Approved Hotels are hotels that contract with Beast of the East, through THS, to offer rooms for teams attending the tournament at exclusive low rates. The list of Approved Hotels is available on www.thsweb.com.

What is THS?

THS is a sports housing company that manages reservations for the room blocks at our Approved Hotels.

Who determines the rules for Stay-and-Play?

The Beast of the East determines the guidelines and procedures for the Stay-and-Play Policy. THS, then, implements the Policy.

Why is the Beast of the East using a “Stay-and-Play” policy?
“Stay-and-Play” Policy is the single most effective tool we have to encourage hotels to work with us to provide room blocks for teams at discounted group prices and to encourage hotels to provide more rooms for the tournament for the considerable business that is being brought to the area by Beast of the East.

Why isn't the hotel I want on the Approved List?

We consider proposals from any hotel that wants to be on our Approved List. However, no one can force a hotel to offer a room block for an event; it’s a business decision by the hotel.

  • The hotels may have other business booked and therefore do not have rooms available.
  • The hotels offer rooms at rates we think are too high.
  • The hotels are just not suitable for youth sports teams or prefer not to do business with sports teams.